Designing for Web Browsers

Friday, September 30, 2011

Web design is always a challenge: new web browsers make website owners to turn to web designers to redesign their web pages; different web browsers display websites in different ways, leading to the same problem: redesign. This is costly, needs time and if the job is not done right, the release of a new web browser may lead to the same trouble. Moreover: a non-standard-compliant website is not a user friendly website (obviously!) and it might damage your business, by driving your visitors away.

To avoid the inconvenience, ask your web developer to create an "all browsers compatible" website.

Design for All the Web Browsers

It's advisable that you have your website designed according to the World Wide Web Consortium's accessibility standards. These standards were created to improve user experience and Internet functionality. The most popular web browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari (for Mac) and Konqueror (Linux). Once upon a time there was Netscape ruling over the Web. Right now Internet Explorer (IE 6) is the most popular browser, but Firefox is winning territory... fast! However, let's not forget the PDAs! If you have a website designed according to the accessibility standards, your site will stay functional in the future.

As IE 6 is not standards compliant, you might want to try designing for Firefox first. Preferred coding is XHTML, but HTML 4.01 will do too. When your web page looks great in Firefox, you may start editing it for Internet Explorer. Then validate your markup. Don't write on your website "best viewed with Mozilla Firefox" or "Best viewed with IE", etc. It's you who should have a browser compatible website and not your visitors who should change their browsers to be able to see your website. Write a "best viewed with..." on your landing page and you are going to drive customers away. User-friendly websites are "best viewed with any browser".

Design for the Future

Standard compliant web pages are the pages of the future. The Internet is constantly evolving and the future belongs to quality websites. Now it's the right time to start optimizing your websites. If you are a web developer take your job seriously and design for the future. This is how you are going to build up a good name and get more clients.

Webmasters are advised to support the "best viewed with any browser campaign". By creating an all browsers compatible website you make a promise of quality and a commitment to excellence.

To verify your "any browser compatibility" you might want to try the free services provided by Here you'll find a site viewer, html validation tools and many useful resources that will help you create the perfect website.

Other Technical Considerations

When you use non-HTML elements, remember that they are not compatible with all browsers, so provide alternatives. That works especially for Flash sites. I've seen a lot of "to view this web page you need Macromedia Flash" on websites. Do I really need it? Make me! Well, actually they cannot make me. Why? I can leave as fast as I came. I browse... browse away!

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Automating Web Browser Using Macro Software

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Macro software's in web browser automation automate the tasks in the web by creating the activity of a user. It is also capable of operating a particular web browser. This is an exact tool that stored information and details on different activities you do on a particular web browser. On top of that, it also evaluates the fields you complete and the objects you click on as you go further. In addition to that, it identifies the objects and builds a macro as you click on several links, navigating through pages and selecting buttons as well as logging in to pages and complete it respective fields.

Macro programs for your web browser automation can record different activities that you do on the web which you may able to play it back later on. In fact, you can keep these macros on your personal computer for your own use. Perhaps, you can also impart this with other people by embedding them on the intranet of your company.

There are actually many cases wherein you can use this macro program for web browser automation. Firstly, by means of having this kind of program, you do not have the need to check similar sites on a daily basis and you do not need to make certain in remembering passwords as well as filling out of web forms. It directly automates to record the processes you go and store in macros the moment you operate these tasks on the web. What is more interesting is that you only have to replay the macros that you have recorded. At the same time, you can also record again the recorded macros.

One more thing is that with macro program for your web browser automation, you may use it for functional testing which is checking out whether the links does exist or not and simply making sure whether functions answer back or not. To make it concise, macro programs can absolutely do repetitive web testing. The only thing you need to perform is record the testing procedure and make a macro from it. The succeeding time you need to do it again then the entire macro will function in just a click of a button.

Apart from that, macro programs can also accommodate the transfer of data. It is known that many companies share most of their data and information in-house enterprises. The data should be up to date as soon as one changes it. In using these programs for web browser automation, all you need to do is to create a macro for coordinating files that store data and put it on the intranet of your company. As a result, all of the data being saved can easily be shared and interconnected by all companies. Lastly, these programs can do web navigation for easier locating of necessary information you need.

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Browser Standards and Security

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


When designing a Web site it is important to consider how the users will see the Web page. There are many browsers available that a user could be using to view your Web site. Consideration of the standards between each browser is important. There are so many browsers available on the market that the Web page that has been created could, and, most probably will look different on every browser. Some browsers handle certain scripting languages better than others e.g. Mozilla Firefox has no problems handling animated gifts as rollovers on buttons, whereas Internet Explorer 5 cannot handle them and will not display them correctly or may not display them at all. In section 2 of this report will discuss the standards between browsers, browsers available and how the browsers handle the HTML language in different ways. This section will also show the usage between the most popular browsers and will display the statistics as a pie chart with each chunk representing a different browser. In section 3 of this report, will discuss the security risks from both the client side and server side and will list the top ten vulnerabilities that a Web site must overcome to stay protected. This section will also display the statistics of security risks in a bar chart. Section 4 discusses how the information that is in this report will be used in the main project.

Section 5 is the conclusion of all the information that has been gathered to make this report and how it can be used to create a better compatible and secure Web site.

As the internet was created to unite the world into one inter connecting community, the use of so many different browsers that view Web pages in different ways makes it harder for a Web designer to create a Web site and it can stop users seeing a Web page in the same way. When designing a Web site, the designer must test their pages in different browsers to check the outcome of that page. With so many browsers available, it is important to consider which browsers to test for and how many past browser versions need to be catered for within the designs.

As technology has advanced, the situation has improved to that of a few years ago but the problem has not been completely resolved. You can now be confident that at least 99% of users have browsers that support nearly all of HTML 4. However, there are still inconsistencies in the way Cascading Style Sheets are implemented and older browser versions pre-dating the current standards take a long time to fade away entirely. A Web site designer must now also consider the mobile user; phones, PDAs and other handheld media devices that have access to the internet. The browser that these devices use will be a variant of a standard browser but the user will view the pages on a much smaller screen. A mobile browser, also called a micro browser, mini browser or wireless internet browser (WIB) are optimised so as to display Web content most effectively for small screens on portable devices. Mobile browser software must also be small and efficient to accommodate the low memory capacity and low-bandwidth of wireless handheld devices. Typically, they were stripped-down Web browsers but as of 2006 some mobile browsers can handle latest technologies such as CSS 2.1, JavaScript and Ajax. Jennifer Niederst Robbins (2006) says;

"1996 to 1999: The Browser Wars begin.
For years, the Web development world watched as Netscape and Microsoft battled it out for browser market dominance. The result was a collection of proprietary HTML tags and incompatible implementations of new technologies, such as JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, and Dynamic HTML. On the positive side, the competition between Netscape and Microsoft also led to the rapid advancement of the medium as a whole."

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Which Web Browser to Use For Testing Your Website

Monday, September 19, 2011

What is a Website Programmer? Answer. Someone who has taken at least two years to learn and experience the art of writing web pages by hand, in the HTML programming language. And even this would not qualify you as a website programmer really. A "Proper" website programmer is someone who can programme, by hand, in HTML (HyperText Markup Langauge), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), PHP (Personal Home Page and then PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), JavaScript, MySQL and other programming/scripting languages. So what has this got to do with Web Browsers? Well. If you are not a website programmer and you (or someone you have hired) are using a HTML Software Package such as Dreamweaver to create your web pages; You should be aware of the following:


A Layout Engine is basically the core coding of a web browser that dictates how it should format (i.e. display, position and style) Text, Images, Tables, Paragraphs, Embed Audio/Video and so on. Although the website programmer has some control of this formatting via HTML and CSS instructions, at the end of the day web browsers have their own unique way of interpreting the website programmer's instructions. For example. If a website programmer creates a questionnaire form made up of standard elements (i.e. drop-down menus, edit boxes and check (tick) boxes) most, if not all, web browsers should display those elements perfectly - In the correct positions, just as specified by the programmer. However. If the programmer decides to use a scripting language such as JavaScript or JQuery to create the same questionnaire form things may go wrong; Simply because the standard code would be understood by all web browsers whereas the JavaScript or JQuery code might not be understood by all web browsers. This could mean the elements are not positioned properly and/or are displayed too big or small for example. These errors (bugs) can be caused by the programmer's code, the web browser's layout engine, the scripting language or all three.

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How to Get Your Freezing Internet Explorer Back

Friday, September 16, 2011

Internet Explorer is one of the most famous and widely used browsers in the world. It is a long standing and popular product with a lot of supports.

Even though some newer internet browsers are introduced nowadays, most of people still prefer Internet Explorer. However, even the most loyal or faithful Internet Explorer users can not avoid of the moments when Internet Explorer freezes. Then, what should you do when such problem happens? This article will help you eliminate the problem at once. I once had the problem too and I found an answer.

Here are 3 steps:

Running antivirus and anti-spyware software on your PC

We have to admit that sometimes the problem does not lie with the Internet Explore itself but our computers instead. Seeing is believing. Unfortunately, this idiom doesn't necessarily apply in the case of these virtual pests that can infest your computer undetected. The viruses can be the reason why your Internet Explorer freezes up as they place invalid keys in your registry. You can then perform the scans with the appropriate anti-virus and/or anti-spyware software.

Internet Explorer updates

Just like any other software, Internet Explorer requires regular updates. Most computer users update their software automatically which is recommended to obtain the latest upgrades without the need for you to manually search for it. So it is important for you to take note of the patches or bugs fixes that might help you.

Sometimes, Internet Explorer will release an entirely new version of Internet Explorer. These new versions need to be downloaded and installed. So you should pay attention for this.

Check your registry

The Windows registry is a main database in your PC which is used to store all of the configuration settings for all hardware and software installed on your pc, all of the user accounts and your settings of computer's network, operating system, file associations, start up and shut down and even security. Therefore, your Internet Explorer web browsing experience will be impact if there is something to happen within the registry. Like every other program on your PC, the Internet Explorer is constantly reading from and writing to the registry from which we can find that Internet Explorer is heavily reliant upon that the registry must have few errors and the data within registry should be optimized for speedy read or write access.

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Spyware - Your Web Browser is the Culprit

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The producers of spyware know that many people now have spyware removers installed on their computers. They also know that quite a few people have the ability to check what is in their start-up. Because of this, BHO's are crafted so that the spyware lies dormant until Internet Explorer is opened. Then it can start its dirty work.

The best program to remove an errant Browser Help Object is HijackThis. This program was originally designed to remove homepage hijackers and gradually morphed into an all-around removal tool for everything. If there's any one tool that I couldn't part with it's HJT.

To start, download HijackThis 1991 []. Once you've got it, open it. Click the button that says "Do a system scan only". Following that, scroll down to the items labeled 02 - BHO. Remove anything here that looks suspicious. Internet Explorer does not require any BHO's to run. Just keep an eye on the path that it loads from, and the name of the file. A legitimate one will be fairly easy to spot, as it'll have a legit title and OK looking path.

If the filename looks like it was randomly made, like ASGSRT32.DLL or whatnot then there's a good 90% chance that it's bad. Even if you do remove one that's good, you can always use the restore feature of HJT to bring it back.

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Are the Most Popular Browsers Always Going to Be Under Attack ?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

If you use a popular browser, you will be open for more security attacks. Consider using a less popular browser but don't think this alone will make you secure.

One issue with technology is that whatever is the most popular seems to have the most security problems. This means that people who write malicious code will always be attempting to make attacks on whatever software or operating system is the most popular to negatively effect the most users possible. No one will ever understand why this happens but it does. Is it important to consider using less popular browsers to be safer while surfing the internet?

When Internet Explorer had more than a 90% market share, there were quite a few issues with security and other problems since that browser was constantly under attack. Many started to use less popular browsers like Netscape which eventually became Firefox. These other browsers allowed users to stay away from some of the big problems like popups and spyware that were a huge problem.

With today's technology it seems the same issues are happening. As Firefox gains market share so do the problems. Logically, the only way to get this to stop is to start using a browser that is less popular since these typically won't be attacked by malicious code writers.

One big issue that you might miss is that the browser plugins can also be a problem regardless of what browser you choose to use. This means that using things like Flash and Java can have security issues which will effect you while using your obscure browser. You have to keep these additional plugins updated as soon as you can to be the safest as you possibly can be.

Additionally, keep your virus and spyware scanners on and up to date to catch anything that might have come through. No matter what browser you use, if you download spyware on purpose or on accident, it will still be on your machine.

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Features of the Free Web Browsers

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you are new to using the Internet, the first question you probably have in mind would be what are the free web browsers. You can start using the Internet once you have a browser. There are many free web browsers available online today. You can simply save it in your computer and install it easily. Some of them are Firefox browser and Mozilla.

1. Mozilla's Firefox is one of the answers to the question, what are the free browsers. This is a standard web browser you can get for free online. It has several features which are all useful. You can open multiple pages at one time when you browse. This web browser also ensures the safety of the users by having developer and privacy tools. The pop-ups are blocked first and the user is asked to allow it to be opened first before it appears. The Firefox is much safer because the ActiveX support is disabled. This is the feature is usually the thing that spyware utilizes to give infections to computers.

2. The Opera browser is the second answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This browser has an engine for rendering which other browsers does not. Another useful feature it has is the multiple tabs you can open at a time. It also blocks illegal pop ups. It has provides a chatting feature as well as an email feature. It has anti-phishing tools that can detect spyware and block it at the same time. It also blocks websites that seem to contain viruses. Opera has a function where you can use your voice to do commands. You can also have it read the texts to you.

3. Maxthon Tabbed is the third answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This is a web browser that lets you open multiple pages. Users can customize the engine's interface because the IE or Internet explorer is embedded. Some of its features are auto-scrolling, plug-in tool, form filling and other tools for external use. It also blocks pop ups and lets the Unicode have extensions. You can also choose your own skin.

4. Fine Browser is another browser that lets you open many windows as well. It has a blocker for pop-ups. It can also track deleted websites and lets users to save websites into a certain category. You can also take screenshots and see the last date that it was used. You can also have a translation for other languages with this browser. You can n also have fillers as well as a feature where you can keep private notes.

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Features of the Free Web Browsers

Thursday, August 25, 2011

If you are new to using the Internet, the first question you probably have in mind would be what are the free web browsers. You can start using the Internet once you have a browser. There are many free web browsers available online today. You can simply save it in your computer and install it easily. Some of them are Firefox browser and Mozilla.

1. Mozilla's Firefox is one of the answers to the question, what are the free browsers. This is a standard web browser you can get for free online. It has several features which are all useful. You can open multiple pages at one time when you browse. This web browser also ensures the safety of the users by having developer and privacy tools. The pop-ups are blocked first and the user is asked to allow it to be opened first before it appears. The Firefox is much safer because the ActiveX support is disabled. This is the feature is usually the thing that spyware utilizes to give infections to computers.

2. The Opera browser is the second answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This browser has an engine for rendering which other browsers does not. Another useful feature it has is the multiple tabs you can open at a time. It also blocks illegal pop ups. It has provides a chatting feature as well as an email feature. It has anti-phishing tools that can detect spyware and block it at the same time. It also blocks websites that seem to contain viruses. Opera has a function where you can use your voice to do commands. You can also have it read the texts to you.

3. Maxthon Tabbed is the third answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This is a web browser that lets you open multiple pages. Users can customize the engine's interface because the IE or Internet explorer is embedded. Some of its features are auto-scrolling, plug-in tool, form filling and other tools for external use. It also blocks pop ups and lets the Unicode have extensions. You can also choose your own skin.

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How to Add Speed Dial in Maxthon

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Maxthon web browser allows users to customize the browser with add-ons like Speed Dial. The Speed Dial add-on allows Maxthon users to basically bookmark any websites that they want to access quickly to one centrally located tab page. Users can add as many sites as they like to the Speed Dial configuration tab, as well as arrange sites in any order by dragging and dropping them. To add Speed Dial to Maxthon, you need to go to the Maxthon add-on page.


Open your Maxthon web browser.

Go to

Enter the keywords "speed dial" into the search field and press the "search" icon.

Locate the "Speed Dial" add-on from the list of results.

Press the "Download Now" button. The speed dial add-on will download to your Maxthon browser.

Restart your Maxthon browser.

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Problems With Installing a New Browser

Monday, August 8, 2011

There are many choices available when it comes to surfing the Web, each with many versions, updates, and accessories. Sometimes different versions of Internet browsers are compatible with different software and operating systems. With all these choices, it comes as no surprise that there are often problems when installing new browsers, such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Some of the issues are relatively easy to fix, while others might require more advanced troubleshooting.

Page Display

A variety of problems can occur with page display. The browser may display a line of text such as "the page cannot be displayed." This often happens not only after installing a new browser, but in existing browsers as well. The first cause of the problem might be connectivity issues. Always check your Internet connection to see if you have a full connection. Try to restart the computer and then troubleshoot your connectivity problem if this is the case.

The next root of the problem may lie in browser settings. Each browser has different configurations and instructions upon setup. The browser may require changing settings before use. After installation, the computer might also have to be restarted for the browser to function properly.


Many people---especially those with older computers---might have compatibility issues with some newer browsers. Some browsers require certain processor speeds and memory space and are not designed to be compatible with older operating systems. Check the browser information from the download page for whether or not it is compatible. If it is not, uninstall the browser and then reinstall the browser you were formerly using, or another compatible version.

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The Differences Between Browsers and Navigators

Friday, July 29, 2011

There is no difference between an Internet browser and navigator. They are one in the same and used synonymously to describe the same kind of software. However, "browser" is the most commonly used term today to describe the software that connects with and communicates on the Internet. The term "navigator" originated from Netscape Navigator, favored in the mid-1990s, but its function mirrored what we refer to today simply as a browser.


In 1994, James H. Clark and Marc Andreessen founded Netscape. The company, officially called Netscape Communications Corporation, offered the Netscape Navigator Web browser free of charge, resulting in the acquisition of a majority of the market share for Web browser software. Microsoft utilized this successful strategy as well, with its free Web browser, Internet Explorer. In 1999, AOL acquired the Netscape Corporation.

According to Indiana University's Information Technology Services, a browser, comprised of a type of software, translates Internet data into the image shown on the computer screen. Browsers connect to the Internet through a modem, a wide area network, wirelessly or through a local area network, and communicate with the Internet. The user is able to access Web pages and files, as well as download files from the Internet. Web browsers communicate with websites all over the world and store the accessed information in a computer's memory as "cookies", "cache" and "history." This allows the browser to recall previously accessed information without the user having to search for the information again.
Choosing a Browser

Fundamentally, all Web browsers offer the same basic functions. However, the layout, design and organization differs substantially. The user should be aware that some browsers communicate and perform better with certain website applications than others. Web browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Avant and Maxthon. In choosing a Web browser, keep in mind the type of operating system your computer uses such as Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7 or Mac, security programs such as antivirus or spyware, speed, technical support and the features it offers in terms of layout, design and organization of files (see Resources).
Popularity of the Internet

Information, documents, files, newspapers, magazines, pictures, video and even television shows are accessible on the Internet. The traditional way of accessing information has given way to the information highway via the World Wide Web. Internet marketing is a booming business and many companies utilize the Internet to grow their companies or exist solely as an Internet-based business. The Internet has revolutionized the way the world accesses and uses information, enabling the user to find and learn about nearly anything. But the reality is that the information transformation has just begun.

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How Can I Save My Website Favorites ?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Internet has a wealth of information for users. If you have been browsing the Web and have found websites that you tend to visit often or that you would like to remember for future reference, you can add them to your favorites list to save time in returning to them in the future. No matter which Internet browser you use, you easily can "bookmark" sites so that you can quickly access them in the future.


Apple Safari

Double click on the "Safari" icon on your dock to launch the program.

Click on the URL bar at the top of the browser window then type the website address. Press the "Enter" button to go to the website.

Wait for the site to load then click the "Bookmarks" button at the top of the browser.

Click the "Add Bookmark" button.

Click the "Add" button to add the bookmark.

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How to Select a Web Browser Media Player

Monday, July 11, 2011

Numerous web browser media players (MP) are available for instant download on the Internet. Most have the same basic features, such as video and audio play. However, many have distinctive features and capabilities. How do you decide which MP is most suitable for you? Asking yourself a few questions and knowing what qualities to look for in a web browser MP will make it easier to determine which one most suits your needs.


 Ask yourself what your major usages for a web browser media player will be. What is your main purpose for seeking one? Is it for entertainment, such as online gaming? Is it for business or school presentations? Will you be using an MP mostly for viewing and listening, for producing, or both?

 Determine and write down your computer's processor type. Some MPs only work with certain types of processors. You can find out what your processor type is by going to your computer operating system's properties file or system folder.

 Take note of your browser support. Certain MPs or versions of them support only specific browsers. For example, according to Microsoft's website, Windows Media Player for Windows XP supports only the browsers Netscape 7.1 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, but does not support other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox. However, if an MP that you want requires a browser that your computer does not have, you can often download that browser at its company website (most basic browsers are free).

 Check and write down your computer's file size/capacity. You can do this by going to your operating system's properties file or system folder. Multimedia files are very large, so it is crucial to know if your computer has enough space for a particular MP.

 Word-search for software distribution websites that offer MPs that support your computer's operating system (OS). Most of these sites offer MPs for well known OS's such as Windows XP and Mac OS X, but there are some designed for particular operating systems. This step is particularly important if you use a less popular OS such as Linux.

 At a suitable website from Step 5, check to see which MPs support your answers to Steps 1 through 4. This type of information can be found, or determined, in an MP's website's system requirements and features sections.
After you have decided on an MP that meets your needs and preferences, click on that MP's "Download" button or link and follow the instructions.

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Maxthon 3 Reinvents Browser "History" with History Calendar & Smart Search

Monday, July 4, 2011

Maxthon (, a global software and web services company, announced today the latest release of Maxthon 3 reinvents a classic browser feature – your browsing history – by adding calendar navigation and enhanced search. The Maxthon 3 History Calendar organizes browsing by specific dates so users may search through pages from any time with speed and complete ease of use. This new feature also makes it easy to delete items individually or by specific dates.

"This is another great innovation from our browser team," says Jeff Chen, CEO of Maxthon. "They have reinvented browser history making it much more useful and easier to use. Whether we're innovating or re-examining a classic feature with fresh eyes, we are always working to improve your web experience."

This new version of Maxthon 3 also includes:

    * History Search: Instantly find sites or information by typing a letter, without repeating the same phrase when switching between different dates.
    * Last Session Restore: Click Last Session Restore in History to reopen the windows and tabs from a previous session.

"Try this browser. You will notice an immediate boost in speed and performance," says Karl Mattson, GM of Maxthon International/Chief of Product Development. "Maxthon 3's smoking speed and smart history are great examples of our focus on making a great product better every minute of every day. There's a lot more to come, too."

About Maxthon

Headquartered in Beijing, Maxthon Ltd. is an innovative software company and developer of superior web browsers which continue to set new standards for simplicity, speed and security. Each month more than 130,000,000 people use Maxthon's web browser in 120 countries across the world. Maxthon has also brings its best-of-breed browsing to the Android platform for mobile devices and tablet computers. For more information about Maxthon please visit



Maxthon launches web browser for Android tablets

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Maxthon has launched a new version of its Android web browser designed for tablets. The app supports Android 1.6 and up, so you can install it on virtually any Android device, but the new browser has a user interface meant to take advantage of the extra screen real estate you get on a 10 inch tablet.
The feature list is virtually identical to the one for Maxthon’s smartphone web browser, but elements of the user interface including the navigation buttons have been moved to the top of the screen next to the location bar. The thumbnail icons for bookmarks on the new tab page are also larger, and there’s a new icon which you can tap to bring up the settings menu

Other features that make Maxthon attractive include an integrated RSS reader, support for gestures, tabbed browsing, and the ability to synchronize your bookmarks across devices if you use Maxthon on a PC or another mobile device.

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Maxthon Mobile Browser Transforms Android Tablets With Better Performance and Ease of Use

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Maxthon (, a global software and web services company, announced the release of Maxthon Mobile for Android Tablets. The new browser transforms Android tablets, delivering increased speed and more efficient use of memory.

"We're making the same request to users of Android tablets as we do to Android handset users," says Jeff Chen, Maxthon CEO. "Upgrade that tired default Android browser and use Maxthon Mobile for tablets. You'll see an immediate difference. And, is it easy to use? You bet."

Maxthon Mobile for Android tablets has core Maxthon features that provide the best Android web experience available. These benefits include:

    The best memory management of any Android browser.
    Extremely fast rendering of web pages.
    Free cloud services such as portable bookmarks and browser settings.

"The design is all about highlighting and improving the best part about surfing the web on an Android tablet in any environment," says Karl Mattson, GM of Maxthon International/Chief of Product. "You name it. On an airplane or reclining on the porch, our design makes surfing the web on an Android tablet a joy."

Key features of the user friendly, new version of Maxthon Mobile for Android tablets include:

    A tablet-optimized design that makes surfing the web with your fingertips on a large, touch-screen tablet comfortable and convenient.
    Small "chrome" provides more space on the tablet for the websites and apps you want to use.
    Buttons optimized for touch screen surfing on 10-inch screens.

Says Mattson, "Our design makes surfing the web a joy because it does 2 things better than any other Android browser. It's fast. And it's easy to use."

Download Maxthon Mobile for Android tablets here:

Download Maxthon Mobile for Android phones here:

Want to supercharge that desktop? Try Maxthon 3 for Windows PCs today.

About Maxthon - Headquartered in Beijing, Maxthon Ltd. is an innovative software company and developer of superior web browsers which continue to set new standards for simplicity, speed and security. Each month more than 130,000,000 people use Maxthon's web browser in 120 countries across the world. Maxthon has also brings its best-of-breed browsing to the Android platform for mobile devices and tablet computers. For more information about Maxthon please visit

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Web Browser Conflicts Explained

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Opera browser ranks behind Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Netscape in popularity. It is now free for personal use. Some of its security concepts and other features have influenced development of the other main browsers.

A recent web template was made elastic ("fluid" or "liquid") using the DIV element instead of TABLE for layout and variable font sizes. A floating text box (DIV) was added so that it remained fixed as the user scrolled down through a page. The results looked great in FireFox 2.x, and nearly the same in Opera 9.x and Safari 3.x, except that "fixed" box scrolled in Safari. For Internet Explorer 7.x, the fixed box scrolled, spacings differed, text background colors didn't stay with highlighted text, and some menu colors (for active, hover, visited links) were totally screwed up. In other words, IE 7, supposedly free of bugs found in prior releases, is not usable for this design template.

Rather than load down the template design with work-arounds for IE, it was replaced with a TABLE layout for positioning, plus some other HTML Tags/Elements on menus and text selections. It still has elasticity and variable font sizes from dimensioning mostly in "em" and "%" rather than "px".

The logo.jpg image stays fixed in size when font size is changed, for FireFox and Safari, but is elastic for Opera and Internet Explorer. Either is acceptable if the base image has adequate resolution, namely upwards of 144 dots or pixels per inch, perhaps minimum 300. The 72 ppi that Adobe recommends for screen images is more suited for small icons.

For the uncommitted web designer, it seems that ease of coding for these four browsers ranks as FireFox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, with IE being a problem. Netscape is no longer an issue, but it is the ancestor of FF.

IE browser through version 7 still does some things differently from the other most popular browsers. As a consequence, a lot of web design effort is wasted on making web pages work the same for IE as for other browsers. One workaround is to have web pages check the browser in use, then switch CSS style sheets or JavaScript definitions to match. The alternative is for page builders to design for only one browser, usually justified with a statement "optimized for nnnnn browser".

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Features of the Free Web Browsers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

If you are new to using the Internet, the first question you probably have in mind would be what are the free web browsers. You can start using the Internet once you have a browser. There are many free web browsers available online today. You can simply save it in your computer and install it easily. Some of them are Firefox browser and Mozilla.

1. Mozilla's Firefox is one of the answers to the question, what are the free browsers. This is a standard web browser you can get for free online. It has several features which are all useful. You can open multiple pages at one time when you browse. This web browser also ensures the safety of the users by having developer and privacy tools. The pop-ups are blocked first and the user is asked to allow it to be opened first before it appears. The Firefox is much safer because the ActiveX support is disabled. This is the feature is usually the thing that spyware utilizes to give infections to computers.

2. The Opera browser is the second answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This browser has an engine for rendering which other browsers does not. Another useful feature it has is the multiple tabs you can open at a time. It also blocks illegal pop ups. It has provides a chatting feature as well as an email feature. It has anti-phishing tools that can detect spyware and block it at the same time. It also blocks websites that seem to contain viruses. Opera has a function where you can use your voice to do commands. You can also have it read the texts to you.

3. Maxthon Tabbed is the third answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This is a web browser that lets you open multiple pages. Users can customize the engine's interface because the IE or Internet explorer is embedded. Some of its features are auto-scrolling, plug-in tool, form filling and other tools for external use. It also blocks pop ups and lets the Unicode have extensions. You can also choose your own skin.

4. Fine Browser is another browser that lets you open many windows as well. It has a blocker for pop-ups. It can also track deleted websites and lets users to save websites into a certain category. You can also take screenshots and see the last date that it was used. You can also have a translation for other languages with this browser. You can n also have fillers as well as a feature where you can keep private notes.



Safeguarding Your Children Online

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Parental control available from Internet Explorer.

In the first article, we looked at what can be done to set up the operating system in order to control the content that younger users are able to access. This time we are looking at the controls available when your youngsters want to surf the web.

All web pages are viewed in a browser, of which there are many available. Microsoft has been criticised for bundling Internet Explorer (IE) in all its versions which use the Windows operating system. Consequently, you may have recently seen a file called 'Browser Choice' which has been automatically downloaded onto your desktop. This effectively lists the more common browsers available, gives their characteristics and a link to download the ones that take your fancy. Before you consign this application to the recycle bin it is worth having a look. The choice is considerable, and includes Opera, Safari, IE8, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Flock, K-Meleon, GreenBrowser, Avant, Maxthon, FlashPeak and Sleipnir.

We are going to have a look at the parental control afforded by the most popular 'top six' because these account for 99% of browser use.

Internet Explorer7 and Internet Explorer8 (IE7 and IE8)

Shipped with Windows machines seemingly forever, it's not surprising that IE in all its forms is the most popular browser by far, accounting for over 50% of total browser use. Having said that, it is probably the browser which has the most parental controls. For example IE8 has the following which are all accessible through 'tools' > 'Internet options':
InPrivate browsing. This offers the ability to block personal information being transmitted to any web pages that are visited. To access this:

1) Click on the 'Security' tab to set the security level to Medium-high.

2) Click the 'Privacy' tab to set the blocking of cookies (default is medium), pop-up blocker on or off, and switch InPrivate browsing on or off.

3) Click on the 'Content' tab to enable the Content Advisor, tick the content that you don't want your children to view and set the slider to the appropriate level (default is none). Here you can create the Supervisors password that should be entered to allow content to be alerted to the Content Advisor. You can also list here any sites that you are happy for your child to view under the 'Approved Sites' tab.



Best Web Browser ?

Friday, May 20, 2011

As a budding 'surfer' (back in the days when surfing the web still seemed mysterious and vaguely appropriate), I never took to Internet Explorer. I think it was because every time I opened a link in a new window it always managed to position it somewhere annoying on the monitor. Then again, maybe I just preferred the Netscape Communicator loading button. Either way, from the beginning I was a fan of using programs that didn't come with Windows, and it's a trend that I've followed to this very day.

It's not that I enjoy jumping on (or off) the Microsoft bandwagon - they're too easy to hate and it's even easier to forget that Windows has provided most of us with the majority of our computing experiences to date. It's just that if there are features in parts of Windows that annoy me, I turn them off, or find ways to do what I want without being driven into a blind, keyboard ruining rage... damn you, Office Assistant Paperclip!!!

Of course, Netscape is now defunct (though I still amuse myself with a Netscape skin now and then), and at any rate, if I shove nostalgia to one side and let honesty step in, I stopped using it years ago. There is, to my mind, a very obvious replacement, but there are quite a few browsers out there vying for a bigger share of the market. As far as the number of users is concerned, Internet Explorer is and will no doubt remain the King for a long time, but what genuine alternatives are there?

Mozilla Firefox

In my opinion, nothing will beat Firefox. They can rip off ideas but they'll never take its crown.

Recently in the headlines for setting the Guinness World Record for the most downloaded software in a day, Firefox does what I want it to do without irritating me about it. It introduced me to the idea of tabbed browsing, it's fast, it lets me choose if I want to view content or not and it has a large community making the applications I want. The idea behind Firefox was to create a stripped down browser that users could add what they liked to it, and for that alone it beat Internet Explorer hands down. I've never been able to look back since I discovered tabbed browsing. In short, it's great, and it saddens me that it still only has a market share approaching 20%. Looked at in another light, however, when you consider that the vast, vast majority of PC's come with Internet Explorer installed as standard, this is quite a feat, and one that will no doubt impress further as Firefox 3 gains momentum.

The jury is still out somewhat for Firefox 3 - it looks better than Firefox 2, I like the big back button and the new browsing options. But it just doesn't feel different enough, and I've come across a few irritating styling issues with it that didn't crop up with v2. Still, I'll be used to it before long, and a few small glitches here and there are to be expected with any new release.


Opera is a very close contender to Firefox in my mind. Maybe Firefox 3 will lose out to it in the long run, but I just can't get my head around the position of the home button in the browser (mainly because I don't trust the Google toolbar , and I never will) - it's not mixed in with the back, forward and refresh buttons. I like a very minimalist browser, and Opera isn't set up to have that one button where I want it. Small annoyance, I know, but there you are.

That said, I love Opera's style, it seems very quick, I appreciate the ease of installing new apps (doesn't require restarts), and I think the speed dial is a marvellous thing, a far better way of using bookmarks. I like the little page previews that pop out of the tabs and for some reason I like the name. The ability to set up automated page refreshing is nice, too - it's uncluttered, modern, and I like it, a lot. Home button! Why!


Maxthon is a free browser that is based on Internet Explorer. That is, it effectively runs a heavily modified version of it. And by heavily modified, I mean a lot, lot better.

Maxthon is quite close to Opera in many ways. Like Opera (and Firefox 3) you can use mouse gestures to perform simple tasks, but unlike both of them, Maxthon draws your gesture on the screen and this makes it a lot easier to work out what you're doing. It is full of little innovations that I like - for instance, if you highlight some text and then drag and drop it anywhere on the page, Maxthon 'Google's' it immediately. You can rearrange the toolbars and buttons with a drag and drop as well, and it has a nice, clean look and a decent speed. Sadly, it seems a lot of the community behind Maxthon is based in Asia, and so for that reason alone it comes behind Opera - just. For now!



Features of the Free Web Browsers

Monday, May 16, 2011

If you are new to using the Internet, the first question you probably have in mind would be what are the free web browsers. You can start using the Internet once you have a browser. There are many free web browsers available online today. You can simply save it in your computer and install it easily. Some of them are Firefox browser and Mozilla.

1. Mozilla's Firefox is one of the answers to the question, what are the free browsers. This is a standard web browser you can get for free online. It has several features which are all useful. You can open multiple pages at one time when you browse. This web browser also ensures the safety of the users by having developer and privacy tools. The pop-ups are blocked first and the user is asked to allow it to be opened first before it appears. The Firefox is much safer because the ActiveX support is disabled. This is the feature is usually the thing that spyware utilizes to give infections to computers.

2. The Opera browser is the second answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This browser has an engine for rendering which other browsers does not. Another useful feature it has is the multiple tabs you can open at a time. It also blocks illegal pop ups. It has provides a chatting feature as well as an email feature. It has anti-phishing tools that can detect spyware and block it at the same time. It also blocks websites that seem to contain viruses. Opera has a function where you can use your voice to do commands. You can also have it read the texts to you.

3. Maxthon Tabbed is the third answer to the question,what are the free web browsers. This is a web browser that lets you open multiple pages. Users can customize the engine's interface because the IE or Internet explorer is embedded. Some of its features are auto-scrolling, plug-in tool, form filling and other tools for external use. It also blocks pop ups and lets the Unicode have extensions. You can also choose your own skin.

4. Fine Browser is another browser that lets you open many windows as well. It has a blocker for pop-ups. It can also track deleted websites and lets users to save websites into a certain category. You can also take screenshots and see the last date that it was used. You can also have a translation for other languages with this browser. You can n also have fillers as well as a feature where you can keep private notes.




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